BUSD Families,
Each year our District writes or updates our Strategic Plan-Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP). This plan outlines actions and services as they relate to three overarching goals:
1. Create a collaborative team of highly engaged staff that supports the academic, emotional and social success of all students for college and career readiness
2. Modernize and improve infrastructure to provide a learning environment that offers opportunities for 21st-century teaching and learning
3. Increase parental and community partnerships through awareness and engagement
We encourage you to take a few moments to respond to this short survey and give us feedback on the implementation and success of the areas outlined in our Strategic Plan-LCAP. Please follow this link https://goo.gl/forms/re1EDSuEtMgEZUp02 to complete the survey. If the link does not automatically bring you to the survey, please copy and past it into your browser. Please complete one survey for each site in which you have a child. The survey will remain open until February 23, 2018.
Thank you for your time and feedback.