Benicia Unified School District

BUSD is committed to offering programs that support all learners.  Enrichment, intervention and alternative educational opportunities have been established to meet the needs of each learner.

Expanded Learning Opportunity Program (ELOP)

Benicia Unified School District offers an extended day program, called ELOP, to all students in TK-6 who meet eligibility criteria.  All students who are socio-economically disadvantaged, English learners, Forester or homeless youth are invited to attend this free extended day opportunity.  The ELOP program is offered at each elementary site and at BMS every school day and 30 non-school days.  Registration and information can be found on the CDU/Adult Education website.

College and Career Readiness

High School students in BUSD develop a 10 year plan that enables them to connect their academic achievement to post secondary goals. This plan is created in a Freshman course called, Get Focused, Stay Focused.  Each year the plan is revisited, revised and new modules introduced. 

A College and Career Counselor provides service to Benicia Middle School, Liberty High School and Benicia High School.  Through the College and Career Center, students can access field trips to colleges, attend visiting college sessions, obtain college information, get help with essay writing and FAFSA forms.

Academic Intervention through Multi-TIered System of Support (MTSS): BUSD offers a targeted intervention model based on specific identified needs of each student. This  model of support offers a wide range of programs and services. Students are identified based on multiple measures and offer differentiated instruction within the classroom as well as pull out programs, before/after school tutorials and companion courses that are specifically designed to ensure academic success for all students and reduce the achievement gap.

A district intervention team established specific criteria for each identified program including the process for identifying students who are in need of support, progress monitoring assessments and metrics for measuring success. The intervention team meets monthly to monitor student progress, identify needs and make program adjustments.

Title 1 and Supplemental Service

Title 1 is a Federally Funded program that supports schools to ensure that students have equitable opportunities to access high quality educational experiences. The Title 1 funding, in addition to the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) supplemental funding provides supplemental funds to school districts to assist schools with the highest student concentrations of poverty to meet school educational goals.

Five schools in BUSD are identified as Title 1 schools: Mary Farmar Elementary, Robert Semple Elementary, Benicia Middle School, Liberty High School and Community Day School. Through the Title I and LCFF Supplemental Funds, additional targeted services are provided to these schools that include: additional intervention instruction, scholarships for Outdoor Education, Counseling, English Learner Support, additional sections for math support, and focused professional development. For a complete description of Title 1 and Supplemental Services please refer to the District’s Strategic Plan-LCAP.

Universal Transitional Kindergarten (UTK)

Universal Transitional Kindergarten (UTK) is a bridge program between preschool and kindergarten. BUSD uses a curriculum that is age and developmentally appropriate that includes some initial academic work, but is heavily focused on play-basd learning structures. See the BUSD enrollment page for how to enroll your child in TK.

Click Here to Enroll for Universal Transitional Kindergarten (UTK)

Universal Transitional Kindergarten (TK) is a bridge program between preschool and kindergarten. BUSD uses a curriculum that is age and developmentally appropriate that includes some initial academic work, but is heavily focused on play-based learning structures.

BUSD highly encourages full potty training for general education pupils in Universal Transitional Kindergarten (TK).

Fully potty trained means that the pupil:

  • comes to school in big kid underpants (not pull-ups)
  • can communicate a need to use the bathroom
  • can independently take care of toileting (pull down underpants, sit on toilet or stand at urinal, and void the bowels or bladder)
  • can independently manage related hygiene (can access toilet paper, wipe, place used toilet paper in the toilet bowl, flush, pull up underpants without assistance, and wash and dry hands)
  • Kindly practice, how to wash hands properly, how to turn on the water, pump soap, scrub hands with soap and then rinse, turn on/off the faucet, how to pull a paper towel, how to dry hands and put used paper towels in the trash.

An occasional accident would be acceptable, and the definition of "occasional" may vary pupil to pupil.

For TKs who are not fully potty trained and/or have frequent accidents:

Convene an SST meeting to discuss potty training needs (case by case basis)
Develop a support plan which may include:

  • A 3 person parent/guardian or emergency contact list to be available for in person toileting support during the school day.
  • A schedule and log
  • Parent provided supply of pull ups (if part of their individual plan), changes of clothing, wipes, zip bags for soiled items

A recent change in state legislation does not permit districts to deny enrollment to incoming TKs or kindergarteners if they are not fully potty trained. Pupils with IEPs likewise cannot be denied enrollment in Pre-K or TK, so these resources can also be provided to IEP teams as they develop plans to support early learners with IEPs who are not fully potty trained.

Self-Care Standards for TK:

Taking care of individual needs on our own is of utmost importance in elementary school. The role of the TK aides is to provide guidance and coaching and as the children become more independent, gradually step away. Practice “taking bathroom turns” and waiting patiently so your student is familiar with what that means in a public restroom.

Bathroom Cycle:
It is expected that TK students complete the full bathroom cycle independently which includes:

  1. Going into the restroom
  2. Closing/latching the door
  3. Pulling down pants (unfastening, unbuttoning)
  4. Using the toilet (wiping independently)
  5. Flushing the toilet
  6. Pulling up clothing (buttoning, fastening)
  7. Unlatching the door
  8. Washing hands*

In the case of bathroom accidents, students should be able to remove clothing put it in a bag and put on their clean pair of clothes.

Washing Hands:
Kindly, please practice, how to wash hands properly:

  1. How to turn on the water
  2. One pump of soap
  3. Scrub hands together and in between fingers for 20 seconds
  4. Turn on/off faucet
  5. How to pull a paper towel and put in the trash

Nose Blowing:

  1. Taking a tissue out of the box
  2. Blowing their nose, not picking with fingers
  3. Dispose of tissue
  4. Wash hands


Q: Do TKs have to be potty-trained?
A: Although non-potty students cannot be denied enrollment, BUSD strongly urges parents to ensure their child is fully potty trained before enrolling in TK.

Q: Will BUSD potty train my child?
A: No. BUSD will not potty train your child. However, we will support your child’s plan during school hours.

Q: If my child has an accident, will they be sent home?
A: It depends on the extent of the accident.
- If it is a contained accident and the student is able to assist, school staff will assist as appropriate.
- If it’s a more extensive accident, parent/guardian or emergency contacts will be called to assist or take the child home.



Click Here to Enroll for Universal Transitional Kindergarten (UTK)

Willie B. Adkins Scholar Program

Willie B. Adkins Scholars Program is a college preparatory program, working to ensure that students are leaving the program with the right tools and a good understanding of what’s expected of them beyond high school. Through their strategically planned year-long curriculum, activities, and events, they strive to meet these objectives. For more information about the program, please visit:

BUSD is excited to continue its partnership with the Willie B. Adkins Scholars Program and invite students in grades 8-12 to apply to participate .   The students who have participated have found this to be a very positive and helpful experience!

From September through May, the program meets weekly at Benicia High School, with Study Hall from 5:30pm-6:30pm and the Program Meeting from 6:30pm-8:30pm. The program also offers a Spring Break College Tour.


Dear Families,

We are excited to bring you Willie B. Adkins (WBA)  program again this year.  This free program is open to all 8-12 graders in BUSD.  The Willie B. Adkins program focuses on preparing our youth for college through weekly study, mentoring, and learning sessions.  All regular WBA meetings will be at BHS on Tuesdays starting 5:30-8:30. The WBA’s primary goal is to increase the number of African American students who attend college.  We already have over 80 students signed up!

Please see the attached flyer to register AND for an upcoming orientation (open to all even if you didn’t register.) The orientation is September 5, 2023, from 6:30-8:00 PM at Solano Community College-Vallejo.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to Leslie Beatson @ [email protected] for more information.