Benicia Unified School District

State Schools Chief Honors Benicia Middle School Classified Employee

Category(s): Latest News

Posted On: April 25, 2017

State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson today honored six outstanding classified school employees for their dedication to California’s public school students.

The annual program honors six outstanding classified school employees from the following categories: Child Nutrition; Maintenance, Operations, and Facilities; Office and Technical Support; Para-Educator and Instructional Assistance; Support Services and Security; and Transportation. This year’s recipients were chosen from more than 100 nominations statewide.

The 2017 BUSD Classified School Employee of the Year, who will be honored by Torlakson at a May 25 luncheon in Sacramento is Angie Porter in the category of Support Services and Security. Ms. Porter serves as a Campus Supervisor at Benicia Middle School. She has served 7 years in current position.

Ms. Porter is an invaluable employee at Benicia Middle School, where she is the first staff person that students see when they arrive in the morning. Teachers, fellow staff, and all students rely on her calm, reassuring manner regardless of the situation. She always knows what is happening on campus, provides information to administrators and teachers on campus social issues, and always returns a student to class with a more focused and improved attitude if they are sent out for behavioral issues such as conflicts with another student. She is a key member of the Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (PBIS) and Sources of Strength (SOS) teams, which help students understand the cause of their behavior and find ways to improve. She is currently developing a lesson plan and video, which she initiated with students, to showcase positive behavior for all classes on campus.