Organizations interested in partnering with BUSD’s ELO-P Program must submit a Request For Proposals for the 2024-25 school year by June 14, 2024 by 5:00 pm
We offer after school care at each of our elementary schools. Enrollment for existing families begins in January prior to the upcoming school year, the office will send out communication to these families allowing them to enroll for the new school year.
New & Returning After School Enrollment Waitlists are only for MFE, MTE, and JHE. If interested in After School Enrollment at RSE please click the RSE waitlist below.
NOTE: Your student MUST be enrolled in a BUSD elementary school prior to enrolling in a After School program.
New After School Enrollment
New families are encouraged to fill out our waitlist to be considered for the new school year. We begin enrollment for new families in February.
Returning After School Enrollment
If you have created a Curacubby account in the past please fill out the Returning After School Enrollment Waitlist.
For more information regarding After School Enrollment please contact the CDU Administrative Assistant.
Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELOP)
Students will qualify for the Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELOP) in one of the following ways:
- Your student is eligible for free or reduced-price meals
- Your student is a homeless youth, as defined by the federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. Section 11434a)
- Your student is in foster care.
You can learn more about the ELOP program here:
If you meet one of the above ELOP qualifications please contact the ELOP program specialist.
Robert Semple State Child Care Program (CCTR)
You may also qualify for our Robert Semple state child care program (CCTR) if you meet the following requirements:
- Your families meets the need qualifications
(All parents/caregivers in the household are working and/or going to school) - Your family meets the income qualifications
(The income ceiling for families is available here for the current fiscal year.) - Your child will be 3 by the time of enrollment, see the income chart above for ages.
If you meet one of the above CCTR qualifications pelase contact the CDU program specialist.