Benicia Unified School District

Flyer Approval & Distribution Criteria

All flyers must include the disclaimer that states:
“This is not a program of the Benicia Unified School District (BUSD) and BUSD accepts no liability or responsibility for this program.”

BUSD cooperates with school, partner groups (PTA, BEF, Ed Funds, Booster Clubs, Scouting Troops, etc), and government organizations that sponsor activities of an educational/enrichment nature for students in accordance with BP 1325: Advertising and Promotion.  As part of our efforts to be more environmentally friendly, embrace innovative technology, and maintain fiscal responsibility, we have transitioned from paper to electronic flyer delivery. Flyers are distributed through email and posted to a webpage. The following parameters provides the criteria for such distribution and District flyer approval:

  • Due to the number of request to distribute flyers, please allow 5 business days for review of your flyer
  • Directly benefit BUSD students or be of intrinsic value to students and/or parents
  • Not directly conflicts with BUSD programs
  • Informational literature/flyers from non-profit organizations, government entities, community clubs, and organizations/individuals informing students/parents of cultural, educational, or recreational activities sponsored by the organization/individual may be submitted for review and approval by the Superintendent’s Office. The flyer must be accompanied by a Flyer Distribution Application.
  • Information/flyers must be educational in nature, supporting the Governing Board Goals of BUSD and/or benefiting the population of BUSD in a positive manner. Materials for distribution must not promote any political interest/organization.
  • All flyers for distribution shall contain the name and contact information of the sponsoring entity.
  • Once the literature/flyer has been approved by the Superintendent’s Office it will be forwarded to the Schools.  Schools will then know the  literature/flyer has been approved for distribution.  No changes or corrections may be made to the approved literature/flyer.
  • All flyers must include the disclaimer that states: “This is not a program of the Benicia Unified School District (BUSD) and BUSD accepts no liability or responsibility for this program.”
  • Information shall not announce the meetings of non curricular student-initiated groups
  • Information shall not be advertised in electronic Media

Flyers will not be approved unless they meet the above mentioned criteria and will not be approved for:

Events that are associated with for-profit services
Organizations that claim non-profit status under the umbrella of a parent organization

Instructions for Schools

Individual schools may only post flyers for their site that promote information and events related to:

  • School
  • Parent-Teacher Associations (PTAs),
  • The Benicia Education Foundation (and its affiliates)
  • Booster Clubs
