The California PBIS Coalition recognized Robert Semple Elementary School for successful PBIS implementation at the Silver level. Robert Semple is a recipient within the California PBIS Coalition’s System of Recognition, reflecting excellence in their faithfulness and loyal support as well as efforts in implementing the core features of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports.
To acknowledge this honor, the school’s name will be displayed on the California PBIS Coalition webpage and acknowledged at the 2nd Annual California PBIS Coalition Conference in Sacramento on October 11 & 12, 2017. To view this webpage click here. Also included is an official electronic emblem which can be posted on the school website to celebrate this success.
The committee wrote: “We sincerely appreciate your hard work and commitment toward implementing PBIS with fidelity and creating the conditions to maximize academic and social behavioral outcomes for ALL students. Congratulations again on this outstanding recognition!”
The BUSD echoes this sentiment and adds their congratulations to the Robert Semple community!