Benicia Unified School District

Benicia Middle School Power Outage

Category(s): Latest News

Posted On: May 10, 2018

Power at BMS went off unexpectedly around 7:00 am this morning due to a PG & E outage. It came back on right about 7:30 am.  However, when the power came back on it caused a surge in our sewer lines. Some classrooms in the E-wing and the locker rooms were affected with a backup. Our amazing maintenance team was right on this and continue to clean the rooms and sidewalks. They are using a bleach and enzyme spray on the sidewalks. We have also called in a professional restoration company to go over each room that was affected and certify it for use.  For now, E-wing classes will be relocated to the P-wing. The staff and students did a wonderful job of being flexible as we worked through the details. All students were on the blacktop this morning during this time. No students were in classrooms. We are proud of all of them. All the rooms where students will be are safe and clean. We will keep you updated with any new information that arises.


We may need to relocate some E-wing classroom spaces for tonight’s Open House. We will let you know prior to Open House tonight what the plan will be.


Again, thank you for your support. Student and staff safety is our primary concern and we will continue to monitor all spaces throughout the day.