Benicia Unified School District

COVID-19 Update 3-16-20

Category(s): Latest News | nCoV

Posted On: March 16, 2020

March 16, 2020

Dear Families,

Thank you for your patience as we continue to adjust to the new information and requirements as it relates to COVID-19.  

We worked closely with Site and District leaders today to refine the guidelines for staff to use as they create distance learning opportunities for your children.  We know these learning opportunities will not mirror the complexities and quantity of what children do day to day in school. Instead we focused on providing reasonable levels of learning opportunities for students to practice, reinforce, and explore some new content along with teachers providing feedback and being available to answer questions, coach and support students virtually. 

You will be hearing from your Principal today and your child’s teacher by Wednesday with more information about what the learning will look like. 

In addition, we want to let you know we are able to offer free lunch and breakfast to all students and sent out a communication regarding this earlier today. 

We feel grateful to be part of this amazing Benicia Community who is pulling together to support all families during this crisis. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns.

In partnership,
Dr. Charles Young