Dear Families and Staff,
I hope this email finds all of you well this Friday afternoon. As we all continue to navigate the crooked road that is COVID-19, there are bright spots to consider: we have implemented our hybrid learning model with students returning to in-person learning, the COVID-19 case numbers are declining statewide, we continue to work through the myriad details of wrapping up this school year, and we are fully engaged in the planning process for the fall.
As I stated during last night’s Board meeting, barring any dramatic turn in the wrong direction regarding the pandemic, our intention as a school district is to return to full-time, in-person instruction in the fall. I know we are all looking forward to a return to normalcy in our lives. School sites will begin providing the usual updates regarding the start of school in the fall.
Please know the Board Trustees and I are greatly appreciative of our teachers, administrators and all staff for their ongoing hard work and commitment to our students. I am so proud of our students for striving to do their best during this topsy-turvy journey they have had to endure. In addition, I have great respect for our families as you have made tremendous adjustments to your personal and professional lives.
With all that said, let’s all keep practicing the required safety protocols to keep us on the right trajectory. The following links are useful sites regarding COVID-19 data.
Start Times: As a reminder, and in response to State legislation (Senate Bill 328), the District has adopted the following new school start times for the upcoming 2021-22 school year. SB 328 requires that middle schools do not start earlier than 8:00 a.m and high schools no earlier than 8:30 a.m., by July 1, 2022. The change in start times to meet SB 328, was discussed during the 2019-20 Board meeting.
The new start times are as follows: Benicia High School 8:30 a.m.; Liberty High School 8:30 a.m.; Benicia Middle School: 8:15 a.m. and the elementary schools at 8:00 a.m.
Summer School: We are currently in the process of planning summer school options for our students. Our Education Services Department will be making a presentation at the May 6th Board meeting with more details, of which we will also share out with everyone following that meeting.
Equity and Opportunity: In alignment with our ongoing and important efforts around equity and opportunity, there will be a Board study session tomorrow from 9-12 to be facilitated by Ms. Anderson of Nicole Anderson Consulting. We look forward to this study session as a foundational element of our efforts centered on promoting culturally responsive practices.
On we go!
Charles Young, Ed.D.