The Regular School Board meeting of Thursday, May 6th will begin at 7pm conducted from the BUSD Board Room at 350 East K Street via Zoom. In compliance with Executive Order N-29-20 and N-35-20 issued by Governor Newsom on March 12th and 21st, 2020 respectively, this meeting will be Livestreamed and recorded via the BUSD YouTube channel linked here:
In an effort for our community’s voices to be heard, BUSD has transitioned to accepting public comments via the “Public Comment” voicemail that is now available. Members of the public wishing to address specific items on the Board meeting agenda are requested to call 707-748-2787 (one comment per person, per item limited to 3 minutes) on the day of the meeting from 3:00 – 7:00 p.m. If your comment is for “closed session” please be sure to indicate such so that it can be addressed prior to “closed session”. The recording of all the “open session” comments in adherence with (Board Bylaw 9323) will be played during the public comment item.
This will be a robust meeting starting with the highlight which is our Classified Employee of the Year to represent Solano County at State level, Andre Finn-Skills Trade Technician. The discussion items include: A public hearing on the School Facility Fee Justification Report for the district, a Summer School update, and the Initial Sunshine of the Classified School Employee Association (CSEA) #1096 proposal with BUSD and BUSD’s Proposal for the 2021-22 Negotiations with CSEA Chapter 1096. We will also have the following non-consent action items: Resolution 20-21-15 to adopt the School Facility Fees, discussions and approval of Course Outline for CTE Business Foundations Class, the Expanded Learning Opportunity Grant and consideration and approval of the Single Plans for Student Achievement 2021-2022.
The entire agenda packet can be found here.