Benicia Unified School District

Summary for the Upcoming Regular Governing Board Meeting of March 3, 2022

Category(s): Latest News

Posted On: February 25, 2022

The Regular Governing School Board of Thursday, March 3, 2022 will begin at 7:00pm in the BUSD Board Room at 350 East K Street.  This is an in-person meeting, properly worn masks over the nose and mouth are mandatory and anyone attending is asked to please sign in for contact tracing purposes.  Members of the public may address the Board at a regular meeting on any item within the Board’s jurisdiction. Speaker cards are available on the entrance table. Please note the item you wish to speak to and submit a card to the Board Secretary. The Board President will call all the “open session” public comments not on the agenda (Gov. Code Section 54954.3) during the public comment item. Comments for items on the agenda will be called during the specific item. Comments are limited to no more than three minutes per speaker or the board may limit the total time to 20 minutes per item with the timer displayed on the monitors. By law, no action may be taken on any item raised during the public comment periods and matters may be referred to staff for placement on a future agenda of the Governing Board.  We will continue to Livestream and record via the BUSD YouTube channel linked here:  

This will be a light meeting in which the evening’s highlight will be the Willie B. Adkins Scholars Program.  Under the Consent Calendar we have Resolution No. 21-22-21 requesting the Treasurer to make a School District Constitutional advance. In Communication/Informational items we have a Student Services and Special Education Department Update and lastly, the Informational/Non-Consent Action Item will be a COVID-19 Reponse Update.

The entire agenda and packet can be found HERE

Our next scheduled Regular Governing Board meeting is Thursday, March 17, 2022.