Benicia Unified School District

Covid Update, February 27, 2022

Category(s): Latest News | nCoV

Posted On: February 27, 2022

Dear BUSD Families and Staff, 

We hope you had a restful and relaxing weekend. We are in the home stretch of this school year and we want to continue to have academic and social  emotional learning as our focus.

We are pleased to see the rapid drop in COVID-19 cases over the past few  weeks. As you may know, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)  recently adjusted its guidance allowing flexibility in mask wearing in most public  situations, including schools.  However, right now, it is uncertain what impact this has on California.

We are eagerly awaiting new guidance from the Governor and the California  Department of Public Health (CDPH). An announcement is scheduled for  tomorrow, Monday, February 28th, that will include information about mask requirements in  all PK-12 schools. Hopefully, this guidance will allow for more flexibility for school  districts. The CDPH still requires all students and staff to be masked while indoors  on school campuses. Please remember that BUSD administrators and staff do not make these  decisions.

We understand that some of our students and families are frustrated with the  length of time masks have been required on campus.  Your patience and cooperation is appreciated as we learn the new  requirements, understand how they apply to our schools, and quickly  communicate the changes and requirements with families.

We want our children to remain in class, with their teachers, learning every day.  We are all very excited to continue to move toward a more normal  school environment with great end of the year activities. 

Thank you for your continued patience and cooperation.

Benicia Unified School District