Benicia Unified School District

Enrollment for 2023-2024 School Year

Category(s): Latest News

Posted On: February 24, 2023

New Student Enrollment:  The process for New student enrollment for the 23-24 school year has begun.

Students must turn 5 by September 1, 2023 to be eligible to enroll for Kindergarten, and 5 between September 2, 2023 and April 2, 2024 to be eligible for TK enrollment. 

New Student Enrollment is for Benicia residents only.  Please begin the process by visiting: There you will find the list of required documents along with the Online Enrollment Form that must be completed first. Once the Online Enrollment Form is completed, and documents are gathered, please contact the school site directly to complete the enrollment process.  

Open Enrollment:  Open Enrollment for the 23-24 school year begins on March 1, 2023 and closes on March 31, 2023. Open Enrollment is for “In District” school transfers which allows parents/guardians to request an elementary school outside their designated attendance boundaries or current school of attendance, within the District.

If your child is on an Open Enrollment for TK, they will need to return to their school of residency, or reapply through the Open Enrollment process to remain in the current school. Lastly, families, who have moved outside their school of attendance boundaries, but wish to continue attending that school, will need to apply for Open Enrollment as well.  ​Please visit to apply on March 1, 2023.