The Regular School Board meeting will begin on November 16th at 7 pm at 350 East K Street in the Board Room. The Board will highlight students learning about kindness at Robert Semple Elementary School.
Dr. Leslie Beatson, Assistant Superintendent of Education Services will provide a report on the context and complexity of the statewide assessment taken by all students in grades 3-8 and 11 in ELA and Math.
The Principals from Mary Farmar and Matthew Turner will present their Single Plan for Student Achievement with site goals aligned with the District’s Strategic Plan/Local Control Accountability Plan.
The rest of the meeting will cover two resolutions. The first one is to establish a Fund 40 for Capital Outlay Projects. This Fund 40 would be used to account for the acquisition or construction of major capital facilities and other capital assets. Not all capital acquisitions would be accounted for in Fund 40. Routine purchases of capitalizable items would typically still be reported in the general fund.
The second resolution is to allow the High School to apply for a Career Tech Ed Grant that would provide funding for renovations and new construction to the Performing Arts Building.
The entire packet for the meeting can be found at