On Wednesday, November 15, 2023, the District hosted a Vaping Awareness Town Hall meeting to educate our educational partners about the dangers of vaping on behalf of the District, I want to thank the following individuals:
- Michelle Han, Benicia High School Friday Night Live Co-President
- Kaleb Bautista, Benicia High School Friday Night Live Co-President
- Dr. Jon Ovick, Director of Student Services
- Ms. Brianna Klenischmidt, Principal of Benicia High School
- Mr. Mark Nelson, Principal of Benicia Middle School
- Tracy Nachand, Oral Health and Tobacco Prevention Project Director, Solano County Public Health
- Rebecca Floyd, SCOE TUPE Project Coordinator
- Joseph Haden, Co-Chair Tobacco Free Solano
If you could not attend or watch the event on Livestream, you can watch at your convenience below.
BUSD Vaping Presentation Parent Night_FINAL by Solano County Office of Education