Benicia Unified School District

Benicia Unified School Districts grounds instruction in the California Common Core State Standards and Frameworks for each curricular area.  Teaching and learning using standards, frameworks and best, first instructional practices along with evidence-based interventions are the keys to student success.  BUSD continues to evaluate programming to ensure that our students receive top quality instruction and have the best curricular materials available to support their learning journey.


Benicia Unified School Districts grounds instruction in the California Common Core State Standards and Frameworks for each curricular area.  Teaching and learning using standards, frameworks and best, first instructional practices along with evidence-based interventions are the keys to student success.  BUSD continues to evaluate programming to ensure that our students receive top quality instruction and have the best curricular materials available to support their learning journey.


BUSD offers a robust CTE program at Benicia High School.  These programs are designed to provide students with the academic and technical skills to be successful in careers post High School.  All CTE classes are offered in a two course sequence, called a pathway. Pathways offered at Benicia High School range from Medical Careers to Construction Trades.  There are pathways in Robotics, Digital Media and Dance. For a complete listing and description of the CTE Pathways offered, please visit the Benicia High School website and view the course catalog.


Students are required to take four years of English for high school graduation.  See the BHS course catalog for further information.


Students have many wonderful electives to choose from to fulfill their schedules and graduation requirements. See the BHS course catalog for further information.


Students in grades 10-12 are required to take one course each year in History for graduation.  The required courses are: World Civilization , United States History, and Government/Economics.  See the BHS course catalog for further information.

Human Growth ,Development, and Sexual Health - (10th grade)

Benicia Unified School District adopted (2023) Human Growth, Development and Sexual Health curriculum to use in grades 5, 7 and 10. Fifth grade is taught by their homeroom teacher and in 7th and 10th grade by their science teacher or special education teacher.

BUSD follows the law/CA Healthy Youth Act.(For Frequently Asked questions, go HERE)

“The California Healthy Youth Act, which took effect January 1, 2016, requires school districts to provide students with integrated, comprehensive, accurate, and inclusive comprehensive sexual health education and HIV prevention education, at least once in high school and once in middle school.”

“Comprehensive sexual health and HIV prevention education may be taught in grades K-6, inclusive. All instruction and materials in grades K-6 must meet the instructional criteria or baseline requirements. Content that is required in grades 7-12 may be also be included in an age-appropriate way in earlier grades. (EC §§ 51933, 51934(b).)”

“The purpose of the California Healthy Youth Act (California Education Code [EC] sections 51930–51939) is to provide every student with the knowledge and skills necessary to protect their sexual and reproductive health from unintended pregnancy, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and sexually transmitted infections (STIs).”

CA Healthy Youth Act-Tony Thurmond

For information on the California Healthy Youth Act, California Education Code (EC) sections 51930–51939, please visit the California Legislative Information web page

Benicia Unified School District adopted curriculum from the CA Department of Education’s recommended list.

The curriculum adopted is:

5th grade: “Puberty Talk” 

7th grade: “Positive Prevention Plus”

10th grade: “Rights, Respect and Responsibility”

High School Special Abilities “Sexuality For All Abilities”

*If you would like to view the teaching binders in person, you can contact Education Services [email protected], to make an appointment.

Parents/Guardians have the right to Opt their student out of all or part of Sexual Health Instruction. Communication about Sexual Health, what and when it will be taught will be sent home at least 2 weeks prior to instruction. BUSD will also host parent/guardian information nights to inform and support the family connection.

  • “The law prohibits active consent for any part of comprehensive sexual health education or HIV prevention education. Passive (not active) parent/guardian notification is required for comprehensive sexual health education and HIV prevention education, either at the beginning of the school year or at least 14 days prior to instruction.”

Students are required to take at least two years of mathematics for high school graduation. The required course is Integrated I, plus a second math class. See the BHS course catalog for further information.


Two years of PE is required for high school graduation. See the BHS course catalog for further information.


Students are required to take at least two years of science for high school graduation. The required courses are: Integrated Physical Science and Biology. Students in grade 10 also receive human growth, development and sexual health instruction during Biology class.  Parents have the right to opt their students out of all or some of these lessons.  Parents will be notified prior to the unit beginning.  Teachers use the Rights, Respect and Responsibility curriculum for these lessons. See the BHS course catalog for further information.

World Language

Benicia High School offers electives in multiple levels of  Spanish and French. At least one course in a world language is required for high school graduation.


BMS utilizes the Reading and Writing Workshop in English Language Arts, as well as other instructional strategies that promote critical thinking and rich conversation about their own reading and writing. See the BMS course catalog for further information.


Students in grade 6 take electives through a Wheel Works rotation.  During Wheel works they receive instruction in several different elective areas.  In grades 7-8, students have the opportunity to choose a year-long elective.  There are many to choose from and these electives are wonderful onramps to electives and CTE offerings at BHS. See the BMS course catalog for further information.


Middle School history instruction uses Teacher’s Curriculum Institute (TCI) newly adopted textbook and materials. Grade 6 students learn about World History and Geography with a focus on Ancient Civilizations. In 7th grade students continue to learn about World History and Geography with a focus on Medieval Times to the entering of the Modern Era. In 8th grade students learn about U.S. History and Geography with a focus on Colonialism to the Industrial Revolution and changes into Modern U.S. History. See the BMS course catalog for further information.

Human Growth ,Development, and Sexual Health - (7th grade)

Benicia Unified School District adopted (2023) Human Growth, Development and Sexual Health curriculum to use in grades 5, 7 and 10. Fifth grade is taught by their homeroom teacher and in 7th and 10th grade by their science teacher or special education teacher.

BUSD follows the law/CA Healthy Youth Act.(For Frequently Asked questions, go HERE)

“The California Healthy Youth Act, which took effect January 1, 2016, requires school districts to provide students with integrated, comprehensive, accurate, and inclusive comprehensive sexual health education and HIV prevention education, at least once in high school and once in middle school.”

“Comprehensive sexual health and HIV prevention education may be taught in grades K-6, inclusive. All instruction and materials in grades K-6 must meet the instructional criteria or baseline requirements. Content that is required in grades 7-12 may be also be included in an age-appropriate way in earlier grades. (EC §§ 51933, 51934(b).)”

“The purpose of the California Healthy Youth Act (California Education Code [EC] sections 51930–51939) is to provide every student with the knowledge and skills necessary to protect their sexual and reproductive health from unintended pregnancy, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and sexually transmitted infections (STIs).”

CA Healthy Youth Act-Tony Thurmond

For information on the California Healthy Youth Act, California Education Code (EC) sections 51930–51939, please visit the California Legislative Information web page

Benicia Unified School District adopted curriculum from the CA Department of Education’s recommended list.

The curriculum adopted is:

5th grade: “Puberty Talk” 

7th grade: “Positive Prevention Plus”

10th grade: “Rights, Respect and Responsibility”

High School Special Abilities “Sexuality For All Abilities”

*If you would like to view the teaching binders in person, you can contact Education Services [email protected], to make an appointment.

Parents/Guardians have the right to Opt their student out of all or part of Sexual Health Instruction. Communication about Sexual Health, what and when it will be taught will be sent home at least 2 weeks prior to instruction. BUSD will also host parent/guardian information nights to inform and support the family connection.

  • “The law prohibits active consent for any part of comprehensive sexual health education or HIV prevention education. Passive (not active) parent/guardian notification is required for comprehensive sexual health education and HIV prevention education, either at the beginning of the school year or at least 14 days prior to instruction.”

Students in grades 6-8  take PE each day all year. In Physical Education students focus on developing motor skills, movement patterns, fitness and learning knowledge about athletic principles within the context of improving health and fitness. See the BMS course catalog for further information.


BMS uses CPM (College Preparatory Math) which is aligned to CCSS (Common Core State Standards). Students experience problem-based, student centered curriculum that embeds mathematical practices within lessons that are focused on big ideas and mathematical connections. See the BMS course catalog for further information.

Integrated Math 1 is a 9th grade level math class. Middle school students enrolled during their 8th grade year are skipping a year of Math as they are not taking Math 8. The pacing of the class matches that of a high school math class and there is high rigor.

The following are requirements for IM1 and all of these MUST be met in order to be considered for this class.

  • As the class moves at a fast pace, students can only be added to these classes during the 1st two weeks of the school year and they meet ALL of the requirements below during 7th grade year in Math.
  • Test/quiz average for semester 1 is 90% or greater
  • Test/quiz average for semester 2 is 90% or greater
  • Final readiness test is at 90% or greater

BMS Science courses are aligned with the NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards) and use an integrated model of teaching and learning. Students learn Life science, Physical science, Earth science, and Engineering through integrated units and students apply these cross-cutting concepts to deepen their understanding of the principles of science. Students in grade 7 will also receive human growth, development and sexual health instruction during science class.  Parents have the right to opt their students out of all or some of these lessons.  Parents will be notified prior to the unit beginning.  Teachers use the Positive Prevention Plus curriculum for these lessons. See the BMS course catalog for further information.


Students receive instruction in ELA daily in all grades.  A combination of guided reading, Teachers College Units of Study, and phonics instruction are used to provide students with a balanced approach to reading and writing. Supplementary programs are used to provide students with additional support and extension. During the 2023-24 school year the K-3 classrooms will be training in science of reading pedagogy and piloting new curricula.


Elementary students receive history social-science instruction during a couple classes per each week. Oftentimes, history is integrated into the ELA classes.  Currently, our teachers use a wide variety of materials including the adopted 3-5th grade curriculum, McGraw Hill - Impact, along with current event newspapers to promote global awareness and citizenship as it aligns with the standards.

Human Growth ,Development, and Sexual Health - (5th grade)

Benicia Unified School District adopted (2023) Human Growth, Development and Sexual Health curriculum to use in grades 5, 7 and 10. Fifth grade is taught by their homeroom teacher and in 7th and 10th grade by their science teacher or special education teacher.

BUSD follows the law/CA Healthy Youth Act.(For Frequently Asked questions, go HERE)

“The California Healthy Youth Act, which took effect January 1, 2016, requires school districts to provide students with integrated, comprehensive, accurate, and inclusive comprehensive sexual health education and HIV prevention education, at least once in high school and once in middle school.”

“Comprehensive sexual health and HIV prevention education may be taught in grades K-6, inclusive. All instruction and materials in grades K-6 must meet the instructional criteria or baseline requirements. Content that is required in grades 7-12 may be also be included in an age-appropriate way in earlier grades. (EC §§ 51933, 51934(b).)”

“The purpose of the California Healthy Youth Act (California Education Code [EC] sections 51930–51939) is to provide every student with the knowledge and skills necessary to protect their sexual and reproductive health from unintended pregnancy, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and sexually transmitted infections (STIs).”

CA Healthy Youth Act-Tony Thurmond

For information on the California Healthy Youth Act, California Education Code (EC) sections 51930–51939, please visit the California Legislative Information web page

Benicia Unified School District adopted curriculum from the CA Department of Education’s recommended list.

The curriculum adopted is:

5th grade: “Puberty Talk” 

7th grade: “Positive Prevention Plus”

10th grade: “Rights, Respect and Responsibility”

High School Special Abilities “Sexuality For All Abilities”

*If you would like to view the teaching binders in person, you can contact Education Services [email protected], to make an appointment.

Parents/Guardians have the right to Opt their student out of all or part of Sexual Health Instruction. Communication about Sexual Health, what and when it will be taught will be sent home at least 2 weeks prior to instruction. BUSD will also host parent/guardian information nights to inform and support the family connection.

    • “The law prohibits active consent for any part of comprehensive sexual health education or HIV prevention education. Passive (not active) parent/guardian notification is required for comprehensive sexual health education and HIV prevention education, either at the beginning of the school year or at least 14 days prior to instruction.”

Students receive math instruction daily in all grades. Everyday Math is the current curriculum being used.  Supplementary programs are used to provide students with additional support and extension.

PE & Electives
  1. Elementary STEAM Wheel: All elementary school students in grade 3-5 participate in a STEAM Wheel (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) for 15 weeks either in the fall or spring semesters. STEAM education allows students to apply and expand their learning opportunities  in all content areas. The STEAM Wheel is a collaboration between BUSD and local organizations and businesses such as Brickspace, Berkeley Chess Club, CodeBee, Arts Benicia, Flying Monkey Theatre, and Voena. These STEAM professionals facilitate lessons alongside the classroom teacher each week.  The STEAM Wheel program is made possible with generous support from Valero. 
  2. Physical Education: All students in grades 1-5 receive 200 minutes of PE each week.  In grades 1-3 all PE minutes are provided by the classroom teacher.  In grades 4-5, students receive one period of PE from a PE teacher each week and the rest of the required minutes are supplemented by the classroom teacher.
  3. Music:  Elementary students in grades 1-3 receive one period of general music each week by a credentialed music teacher.  In addition, students in grades 4 and 5 may take an after school band as an enrichment opportunity.
  4. STEAM: Students in grade 4-5 receive one class a week in STEAM-integrated science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics. 

Elementary students receive science instruction during a couple classes per week.  Mystery Science is the curriculum being used to engage students in critical thinking and problem solving.  Students in grade 5 will also receive human growth, development and sexual health instruction during science class. Parents have the right to opt their students out of all or some of these lessons.  Parents will be notified prior to the unit beginning.  Teachers use the Puberty Talk curriculum for these lessons.

Curriculum Adoption Process

BUSD has a robust course and curriculum adoption process.  When the District is considering a new curriculum adoption, staff review California Standards and use an adoption tool (linked below) to preview potential materials.  Staff then identify materials to pilot.  During this process, piloted materials are available for review by the public.  After each pilot, the team evaluates the materials using a rigorous process and protocol. Final curricula are brought to the BUSD School Board for adoption. A list of adopted curricula can be found in each site’s School Accountability Report Card (SARC.)

Textbook Evaluation Checklist

Textbook Material Adoption Ranking Form